Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Newspaper :)

For the April Fools Issue, I am doing a article on an interview with a lonely recycling bin (since there is only one left in the entire school...that we know of). I am very excited for this entire issue. It is going to be so hilarious! :)

Interview with Stanley the Recycling Bin
Q: How have you personally felt since all of the other recycling bins disappeared?

A: I have felt extremely lonely. For the first few weeks, I cried every single day and felt even more empty than I was (which was VERY empty). I used to be able to look around and see my friends in every corner, but then one day, they just disappeared in thin air. It has been a difficult journey for me, but I am slowly becoming stronger and being able to deal with the situation much better.

Q: How does it feel to be the last of your kind at TM?

A: It makes me feel quite special that they decided to keep me out of all the other recycling bins. However, like I said before, I’m very lonely at times. Humans are cool and all, but I do miss my other recycling bin friends.

Q: Do you believe that TM will bring back your friends one day in the future?

A: I sure hope so! That would be like a dream come true! I would love to be able to see my friends and talk to them once again.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like this needs some jokes about having a dream of overflowing with empty water bottles and soda cans. Think of fun ways to personify the recycling can. The best I have is that empty water bottles are his tears.
